
All FLUX news

Kukkia. / Flowers.
FLUX has received €3.4 million in continued funding for the period 2024-2027
In the second period, the project will expand its work with new activities that will contribute to the societal impact...
Publicum building at the University of Turku. / Publicum-rakennus, Turun yliopisto.
FLUX recruits Senior Researchers for demographic and sociological research
The INVEST Research Flagship Centre at the University of Turku invites applications for 1-2 contract-based, fixed-term Senior Researcher positions from...
Helsingin yliopiston Kaisa-kirjaston portaikko.
Professor E.J. Nyström’s prize is awarded to academy professor Katariina Salmela-Aro
Salmela-Aro’s research work on children’s and young people’s learning and well-being has been very successful and significant and continuously yielded...
Aikuinen ja lapsia kävelee metsätiellä. / Family walking in a forest.
Demographic changes challenge the sustainability of our society – key points gathered
The Strategic Research DEMOGRAPHY-programme briefing package gathers key facts and issues on demographic change that should be taken into consideration...
Nordic Fertility Research Workshop gathered fertility researchers to Saltsjöbaden in Sweden
The workshop included researchers from Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Estonia to discuss the latest results in fertility research...
Tiedekulma Stage.
Event: Low fertility Finland – psychosocial factors
FLUX organises a discussion event Low fertility Finland – psychosocial factors. The event takes place on 5 October 2022 at...
Event: DEMOGRAPHY Kick-off – Effective Solutions to Demographic Change
Time: Monday 15.8.2022 from 13–16 Place: Musiikkitalo, Paavo-sali (Mannerheimintie 13 a, Helsinki) on online
What’s going on in FLUX 4/2022
Subscribe to FLUX newsletter FLUX newsletter summarises the latest news and publications of FLUX in a package that arrives to...
FLUX event: Low fertility Finland – causes, consequenses and possible futures
FLUX organises a discussion event Low fertility Finland – causes, consequenses and possible futures.The event takes place on 4 May...
What’s going on in FLUX 3/2022
First FLUX Policy Brief is published FLUX publishes short Policy Brief articles, which summarise research results in a compact and...
Kuvituskuva vauvasta / Decorative photo of a baby.
In Finland, the highly educated most likely to have two children – among the lower educated both lifetime childlessness and greater numbers of children increasingly common
Lifetime childlessness as well as greater numbers of children with the low- or medium-educated is tied to changes in partnerships...
FLUX is recruiting postdocs to the University of Turku – call closed
Last year the research project Family Formation in Flux – Causes, Consequences, and Possible Futures (FLUX), led by Marika Jalovaara...
What’s going on in FLUX 2/2022
FLUX has appointed a Scientific Advisory Board and Societal Impact Advisory Board The boards will support FLUX in reaching its...
Scientific Advisory Board and Societal Impact Advisory Board appointed for FLUX
FLUX has appointed the Scientific Advisory Board and Societal Impact Advisory Board for the consortium. The members of the Societal...
What’s going on in FLUX?
FLUX researchers are active not only as researchers, but also as communicators. They publish to both academic community and the...
University of Helsinki is recruiting an University Lecturer in Demography and Data Science
The Faculty of Social Sciences and the Centre for Social Data Science invite applications for the position of UNIVERSITY LECTURER...
Åbo Akademi University is recruiting a Project Researcher in Economics for FLUX
Åbo Akademi University (ÅAU) invites applications for a fixed-termed position as project researcher (postdoc) from 1 January 2022 – 30...
Pasi Moisio joins the High-Level Group on the Future of Social Protection and of the Welfare State in the EU
Research Professor Pasi Moisio has been nominated as a member of the High-Level Group on the Future of Social Protection...
The project Family Formation in Flux – Causes, Consequences, and Possible Futures (FLUX) starts and recruits postdocs
The research project Family Formation in Flux – Causes, Consequences, and Possible Futures (FLUX), led by Marika Jalovaara and Mikko...
Strategic Research Council awarded funding for the FLUX consortium
Strategic Research Council awarded the FLUX Consortium in total 3,8 M€ funding for the first 3-year period. FLUX received funding...