This page highlights some of the publications, both academic and popular, written by FLUX researchers. We also include some news articles where FLUX researchers have been interviewed.
Peer-reviewed publications
These publications have been thoroughly reviewed by other researchers before publishing, and they are published in well-known academic journals or books.
Välimäki Sanni, Lammi-Taskula Johanna, Mesiäislehto Merita & Närvi Johanna. (2024) Growing inequality and diverging paths in early childhood education and care: Educational disparities in Europe. Cambridge University Press 2024.
Österbacka Eva, & Räsänen Tapio. (2024) The Association Between Gendered Workplaces and the Length of Childcare Leave. Finnish Yearbook of Population Research, 57, 1–20.
Palumbo Lydia, Berrington Ann, & Eibich Peter. (2024) Assessing the parental SES gradient in young Britons’ partnership expectations, attitudes and its potential mediators. Advances in Life Course Research, 61, 100630.
Räsänen Tapio (2023) Tutkimuksia perhetaloustieteestä ja lastenhoidon tuista. Kansantaloudellinen aikakauskirja 3/2023
Ozsvar Judit, Gissler Mika, Lavebratt Catharina, Nilsson Ida AK (2023) Exposures during pregnancy and at birth are associated with the risk of offspring eating disorders. International Journal of Eating Disorders
Kjerpeseth Lars J., Cesta Carolyn E., Furu Kari, Engeland Anders, Gissler Mika, Gulseth Hanne L., Karlstad Öystein, Leinonen Maarit K., Pazzagli Laura, Zoega Helga, Cohen Jacqueline M. (2023) Metformin Versus Insulin and Risk of Major Congenital Malformations in Pregnancies With Type 2 Diabetes: A Nordic Register-Based Cohort Study. Diabetes Care
Andersson Linus (2023) A Novel Macro Perspective on Family Dynamics – The Contribution of Partnership Contexts of Births to Cohort Fertility Rates Population and Development Review
Ringbom Ida, Suvisaari Jaana, Sourander Andre, Gissler Mika, Gyllenberg David (2023) Temporal changes in the associations between diagnosed psychiatric disorders and dropping out of school early European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Andersson Linus, Saarela, Jan, Jalovaara Marika, Uggla Caroline (2023) A matter of time: Batemans principles and mating success as count and duration in contemporary Finland Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Rahnu, L. & Jalovaara, M. (2023): Partnership dynamics and entry into parenthood: Comparison of Finnish birth cohorts 1969–2000. Advances in Life Course Research. Vol. 56 June 2023.
Jalovaara Marika, Andersson Linus (2023) A register-based account of period trends in partnership prevalence, entries, and exits by educational level for men and women in Finland Demographic Research
Lindqvist Pelle G., Gissler Mika, Essén Birgitta (2023) Is there a relation between stillbirth and low levels of vitamin D in the population? A bi-national follow-up study of vitamin D fortification BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth
Lehtonen Liisa, Helenius Kjell, Gissler Mika (2023) National Very Preterm Infant Register imbedded in the Medical Birth Register in Finland Pediatric Medicine
Kerkelä Martta, Gissler Mika, Nordström Tanja, Ukkola Olavi, Veijola Juha (2023) Association between participation in the Northern Finland Birth Cohorts and cardiometabolic disorders Annals of Medicine
Härkönen Juho, Jalovaara Marika, Lappalainen Eevi, Miettinen Anneli (2023) Double Disadvantage in a Nordic Welfare State: A Demographic Analysis of the Single-Parent Employment Gap in Finland, 1987–2018 European Journal of Population
Upadhyaya Subina, Brown Alan, Cheslack-Postava Keely, Gissler Mika, Gyllenberg David, Heinonen Emmi, Laitinen Joonas, McKeague Ian, Hinkka-Yli-Salomäki Susanna, Sourander Andre, Tornio Aleksi, Malm Heli (2023) Maternal SSRI use during pregnancy and offspring depression or anxiety disorders: A review of the literature and description of a study protocol for a register-based cohort study Reproductive Toxicology
Nissinen Niina-Maria, Rangmar Jenny, Autti-Rämö Ilona, Gissler Mika, Kahila Hanna, Raitasalo Kirsimarja, Sarkola Taisto (2023) Financial difficulties among youth prenatally exposed to substances: a longitudinal register-based cohort study Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy
Andersson Linus (2023) The Role of Gender Differences in Partnering and Re-partnering for Gender Differences in Completed Fertility Population Research and Policy Review
Kerkelä Martta, Gissler Mika, Nordström Tanja, Veijola Juha (2023) Association between participation in the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 study and use of psychiatric care services PLoS ONE
Jalovaara Marika, Andersson Linus (2023) A register-based account of period trends in union prevalence, entries, and exits by educational level for men and women in Finland Demographic Research
Holopainen Lotta S, Tähtinen Hanna H, Gissler Mika, Korhonen Päivi E, Ekblad Mikael O (2023) Pre-pregnancy body surface area and risk for gestational diabetes mellitus Acta Diabetologica
McCabe Ronan, Katikireddi Srinivasa Vittal, Dundas Ruth, Gissler Mika, Craig Peter (2023) Impact of the Finnish Maternity Grant on infant mortality rates in the 20th century: a natural experimental study Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
Kolk, Andersson, Drefalh & Pettersson (2023) The Swedish kinship universe – A demographic account of the number of children, parents, siblings, grandchildren, grandparents, aunts/uncles, nieces/nephews, and cousins using national population registers, forthcoming in Demography
Räsänen, T., and Österbacka, E. 2023. Subsidizing private childcare in a universal regime. Review of Economics of the Household.
Andersson L., and Kolk M. 2023. Kinship and Socioeconomic Status: Social Gradients in Frequencies of Kin Across the Life Course in Sweden, forthcoming in Population Studies
Richard A. Settersten Jr, Marlis Buchmann, Martin Kohli, René Levy, Anik de Ribaupierre, Katariina Salmela-Aro et al. (2023): Overcoming Vulnerability in the Life Course—Reflections on a Research Program. In book Dario Spini & Eric Widmer: Withstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life. Dynamics of Stressors, Resources, and Reserves (Palgrave Macmillan)
Härkönen, J., Jalovaara, M., Lappalainen, E. & Miettinen, A (2023): Double Disadvantage in a Nordic Welfare State: A Demographic Analysis of the Single-Parent Employment Gap in Finland, 1987–2018. European Journal of Population
Andersson, L. (2023) The role of sex differences in partnering for sex differences in completed fertility, Population Research and Policy Review, 42(17)
Jalovaara, M., Andersson, L. (2023) A register-based account of period trends in partnership prevalence, entries, and exits by educational level for men and women in Finland, Demographic Research, 48(x)
Andersson, L. Uggla, C., Jalovaara, M., Saarela J. (2022) Less is more or more is more? Union dissolution and re-partnering as an engine for fertility in a demographic forerunner context – a register-based completed cohort fertility approach, Demography, 59(6): 2321-2339.
Ueda, P., Shabazian, R., Ghaznavi, C., Andersson, L. (2022) Nationwide study of trends in physicians partner choice for childbearing unions. J. Intern Med. 292(1):165-167
Lydia Palumbo, Ann Berrington, Peter Eibich & Agnese Vitali (2022) Uncertain steps into adulthood: Does economic precariousness hinder entry into the first co-residential partnership in the UK?, Population Studies.
Ewa Batyra, Tiziana Leone and Mikko Myrskylä (2022): Forecasting of cohort fertility by educational level in countries with limited data availability: The case of Brazil. Population Studies.
Alice Goisis, Maria Palma, Niina Metsä-Simola, Reija Klemetti, Pekka Martikainen, Mikko Myrskylä, Mikko, Alina Pelikh, Marco Tosi and Hanna Remes (2022): Medically Assisted Reproduction and Mental Health: A 24-Year Longitudinal Analysis Using Finnish Register Data. Available at SSRN.
Puberty disorders among ART-conceived singletons: a Nordic register study from the CoNARTaS group. Human reproduction.
Jessica Nisén, Maarten J. Bijlsma, Pekka Martikainen, Ben Wilson & Mikko Myrskylä (2022): The gendered impacts of delayed parenthood: A dynamic analysis of young adulthood. Advances in Life Course Research.
Sanna Read, Lauri Hietajärvi & Katariina Salmela-Aro (2022): School burnout trends and sociodemographic factors in Finland 2006–2019. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.
Ryohei Mogi, Ester Lazzari, Jessica Nisén & Vladimir Canudas-Romo (2022): Cross-sectional average length of life by parity: Country comparisons. Population Studies.
Julia Hellstrand, Jessica Nisén & Mikko Myrskylä (2022): Less Partnering, Less Children, or Both? Analysis of the Drivers of First Birth Decline in Finland Since 2010. European Journal of Population.
Andrés F. Castro Torres, Ewa Batyra & Mikko Myrskylä (2022): Income Inequality and Increasing Dispersion of the Transition to First Birth in the Global South. Population and Development Review.
Alina Pelikh, Ken Smith, Mikko Myrskylä & Goisis, Alice (2022): Medically Assisted Reproduction Treatment Types and Birth Outcomes. A Between-Family and Within-Family Analysis. Obstetrics & Gynecology
Goisis, Alice and Myrskylä, Mikko (2021): Well-being of children born after medically assisted reproduction. Kindeswohl nach medizinisch assistierter Reproduktion. Der Gynäkologe.
Working papers
Working papers are latest research results, which we want to share as soon as possible for other academics to read. Working papers are currently in the process of being reviewed by other researchers.
Mesiäislehto Merita, Välimäki Sanni, Närvi Johanna & Lammi-Taskula Johanna (2024): Parental well-being and childcare arrangements in the Nordic context. INVEST Working Papers 112/2025, FLUX Working Paper 25.
Hellstrand Julia, Nisén Jessica & Myrskylä, Mikko (2024): Economic Uncertainty and Men’s Fertility: Analysing the 2010s Fertility Decline in Finland by Field of Education and Employment Characteristics. INVEST Working Papers 111/2025, FLUX Working Paper 2025.
Potente Cecilia, Palumbo Lydia & Jalovaara Marika (2024): Partner’s Education and Mortality in Finland: A Study of Married and Cohabiting Unions among Cohorts Born Between 1932 and 1970. INVEST Working Papers 109/2024, FLUX Working Paper 2024.
Nisén Jessica, Dahlberg Johan, Slabá Jitka & Trimarchi Alessandra (2024): Gender Differences in the Timing and Chances of Parenthood across Regions. INVEST Working Papers 108/2024, FLUX Working Paper 2024.
Välimäki Sanni (2024): Growing importance of attitudes toward mothers’ role in the unequal use of early childhood education and care. INVEST Working Papers 106/2024, FLUX Working Paper 2024.
Duerst Ricarda, Schöley Jonas, Hellstrand, Julia & Myrskylä Mikko (2024): Calibrating probabilistic forecast paths on past forecast errors: an application to the Finnish Total Fertility Rate. MPIDR Working Paper WP-2024-016, FLUX Working Paper 2024.
Jalovaara Marika, Rahnu Leen, Miettinen Anneli (2024): Employment uncertainty and entry into parenthood – Trends among Finnish cohorts. INVEST Working Paper 97/2024, FLUX Working Paper 2024.
Helske Satu, Helske Jouni, Chapman Simon N., Kotimäki Sanni, Salin Milla, Tikka, Santtu (2024): Heterogeneous workplace peer effects in fathers’ parental leave uptake in Finland. INVEST Working Paper 96/2024, FLUX Working Paper 2024.
Mäki Miika, Myrskylä Mikko, Hägglund Anna Erika, Kulathinal Sangita, Rotkirch Anna (2024): The Childhood Echo: How Romantic Biographies Reflect Early Life Events and Abilities. FLUX Working Paper 2024.
Jalovaara Marika, Miettinen Anneli (2024): Childlessness trends at different ages by educational attainment for men and women in Finland. INVEST Working Paper 90/2024.
Myrskylä Mikko, Hellstrand Julia, Lappo Sampo, Lorenti Angelo, Nisén Jessica, Rao Ziwei, Tikanmäki Heikki (2024) Declining Fertility, Human Capital Investment, and Economic Sustainability. INVEST Working Paper 88/2024.
Välimäki Sanni, Lammi-Taskula Johanna, Mesiäislehto Merita, Närvi Johanna. Growing inequality and diverging paths in early childhood education and care: Educational disparities in Europe. INVEST Working Paper 87/2024.
Lorenti Angelo, Nisén Jessica, Mencarini Letizia, Myrskylä Mikko (2023):
Gendered parenthood-employment gaps in midlife: a demographic perspective across three different welfare systems. MPIDR Working papers.
Sanna Kailaheimo-Lönnqvist, Marika Jalovaara, Mikko Myrskylä (2023):
Parental separation and children’s education – changes over time?
INVEST Working papers 78/2023, FLUX 15/2023
Jessica Nisén, Anni Erlandsson, Marika Jalovaara (2023):
Gendered Relationship of Childbearing with Earnings Accumulated by Midlife in Two Nordic Countries
INVEST Working papers 75/2023, FLUX 14/2023
Linus Andersson (2023):
The contribution of partnership contexts of births to cohort fertility rates
INVEST Working papers 65/2023, FLUX 13/2023
Miika Mäki, Anna Erika Hägglund, Anna Rotkirch, Sangita Kulathinal, Mikko Myrskylä (2022):
Stable marital histories predict happiness and health across educational groups
INVEST Working papers 64/2022, FLUX 12/2022
Simon N. Chapman, Sanni Kotimäki, Satu Helske (2022):
Meso-level contextual patterns of fathers’ family leave uptake in Finland
INVEST Working papers 59/2022, FLUX 11/2022
Peter Fallesen, Lars Dommermuth, Julia Hellstrand, Emil Simonsen, Lisbeth Trille Gylling Loft, Laust Hvas Mortensen (2022):
Research note: comparing ideal family size with observed and forecasted completed cohort fertility in Denmark and Norway
INVEST Working papers 63/2022, FLUX 10/2022
Maria Ponkilainen, Elina Einiö, Marjut Pietiläinen, Mikko Myrskylä (2022):
Educational Differences in Fertility Among Female Same-Sex Couples
INVEST Working papers 60/2022, FLUX 9/2022
Julia Hellstrand, Jessica Nisén, Mikko Myrskylä (2022):
Educational field, economic uncertainty, and fertility decline in Finland in 2010–2019
INVEST Working papers 55/2022, FLUX 8/2022
Marika Jalovaara, Linus Andersson (2022):
A register-based account of period trends in partnership prevalence, entries, and exits by educational level for men and women in Finland
INVEST Working papers 54/2022, FLUX 7/2022
Linus Andersson, Martin Kolk (2022):
Kinship and Socioeconomic Status: Social Gradients in Frequencies of Kin Across the Life Course in Sweden
INVEST Working papers 53/2022, FLUX 6/2022
Linus Andersson, Marika Jalovaara, Jan Saarela, Caroline Uggla (2022):
A matter of time: Bateman’s principles and mating success as count and duration in contemporary Finland
INVEST Working papers 52/2022, FLUX 5/2022
Jessica Nisén, Marika Jalovaara, Anna Rotkirch, Mika Gissler (2022):
Fertility recovery despite the COVID-19 pandemic in Finland?
INVEST Working papers 50/2022, FLUX 4/2022
Leen Rahnu, Marika Jalovaara (2022):
Partnership dynamics and entry into parenthood: Comparison of Finnish birth cohorts 1969–2000
INVEST Working papers 47/2022, FLUX 3/2022
Linus Andersson (2022):
The Role of Sex Differences in Re-partnering for Sex Differences in Post-separation Fertility by Age 48: A Cohort Perspective
INVEST Working papers 46/2022, FLUX 2/2022
Linus Andersson Marika Jalovaara, Caroline Uggla & Jan Saarela (2021): Less is more or more is more? Union dissolution and re-partnering as an engine for fertility in a demographic forerunner context – a register based completed cohort fertility approach. INVEST Working papers 43/2021, FLUX 1/2021
Tapio Räsänen (2023): Empirical studies on family economics. Studies in social security and health, 162.
Anneli Miettinen (2023): Socioeconomic resources and family formation among young Finnish adults. Finnish Yearbook of Population Research, 57.
Julia Hellstrand (2023). Drivers and future of the fertility decline in the 2010s: an analysis of Finland and other Nordic countries. Publications of the Faculty of Social Sciences 234.
Policy Briefs
FLUX Policy Briefs summarise the latest research, especially for policy-makers and decision-makers.
Blogs and podcasts
Our blog posts are based on the research we have conducted, but they are written in more general terms and to the general public. We mainly write in FLUX blog, but also visit in other blogs.
N-IUSSP article Linus Andersson & Marika Jalovaara (26.6.2023): Educational disparities in partnership formation and dissolution in Finland (1990-2019) N-IUSSP, IUSSP’s Online News Magazine.
INVEST Blog 14/2021 Sanni Kotimäki, Simon Chapman & Satu Helske: Fathers on family leaves: Who, when, and why?
FLUX research in media
Here we highlight some of the cases where FLUX researchers have been interviewed or otherwise provided their expertise in newspaper or magazine articles, radio or tv interviews or other media.
The Economicst (7.3.2023), video: The cost of having children. How some people weigh up whether it’s worth having kids. (Graph by Mikko Myrskylä)
Bloomberg Opinion, Gearoid Reidy (21.6.2022): The Fertility Crisis Started in Japan, But It Won’t Stay There (Mikko Myrskylä interviewed)
National Geographic: The pandemic delivered a surprise to Nordic countries: a baby boom (Jessica Nisén interviewed)